Eden... Elysia... 🥹🥲

    Eden... Elysia... 🥹🥲
    Eden... Elysia... 🥹🥲

    While recently I posted some Honkai thingies, I do also have Genshin stuff I want to share ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ" [WIP] for a new fancomic

    While recently I posted some Honkai thingies, I do also have Genshin stuff I want to share ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"

[WIP] for a new fancomic

    BG drawing always destroys me 😂 but it's pretty important to establish the environment, so... ( •̀-•́)9 fight...! _('ཀ`」 ∠)_ Oh anyway, the timeline for this comic took time a few days after Raiden Shogun's second chara story.

    BG drawing always destroys me 😂 but it's pretty important to establish the environment, so... ( •̀-•́)9 fight...! _('ཀ`」 ∠)_

Oh anyway, the timeline for this comic took time a few days after Raiden Shogun's second chara story.

    [Halfy July Comms] Brings nostalgia indeed 🥺 These Love Live girls!! Thank you Adu for this chance! >A<

    [Halfy July Comms]
Brings nostalgia indeed 🥺 These Love Live girls!! Thank you Adu for this chance! >A<

    Flamechasers compilation I've done so far (yes it's Fu Hua, so she's still FC right XD) (Also I still need time to recover, I guess huhu)

    Flamechasers compilation I've done so far (yes it's Fu Hua, so she's still FC right XD)

(Also I still need time to recover, I guess huhu)
    Flamechasers compilation I've done so far (yes it's Fu Hua, so she's still FC right XD)

(Also I still need time to recover, I guess huhu)
    Flamechasers compilation I've done so far (yes it's Fu Hua, so she's still FC right XD)

(Also I still need time to recover, I guess huhu)
    Flamechasers compilation I've done so far (yes it's Fu Hua, so she's still FC right XD)

(Also I still need time to recover, I guess huhu)

