昨日また同僚と話題を決めて一緒に描いた!完成までしないと! Decided on a theme and drew with my coworkers yesterday, good times! Must complete!
楽しかったけどポーズ堅いな。 Fun but noticed the pose is hella stiff.
電車でスケッチ Train sketches
wtf am I drawing... so tired, must sleep.
最近@kamo_chiと@theCHAMBAのドラゴンボールのファンアートを見て、描きたくなってきた! Saw some of Kamo and Chamba`s DB fanart,got me juiced to draw DB!
The Camz #Cammy #StreetFighter
サムスピにでたから、やらないと! #Baiken #GuiltyGear
Millia Rage #GuiltyGearStrive
Guilty Stuff #GuiltyGearStrive
study stuff
Cammy w/ process sketches.
Dragon Ball stuff
Anonymous commission of Kolin #StreetFighter VT1 in SFV Send me a PM for commission inquiries.