
    ko-fi request: "could you draw vegeta and bulma at chilis, vegeta wearing a hawaiian shirt and khakis, bulmas thinking oh I cant NOT fuck him or similar. :)"

    ko-fi request: "could you draw vegeta and bulma at chilis, vegeta wearing a hawaiian shirt and khakis, bulmas thinking oh I cant NOT fuck him or similar. :)"

    interviewer said theyd call back by the end of the week last week and it's already monday

    interviewer said theyd call back by the end of the week last week and it's already monday

    ko-fi request: "Hello there sir. Could you draw Veronica from Dragon Quest 11 sitting in a booster seat looking very grumpy because she didn't get the toy she wanted in her Happy Meal while her sister Serena tries to cheer her up?"

    ko-fi request: "Hello there sir. Could you draw Veronica from Dragon Quest 11 sitting in a booster seat looking very grumpy because she didn't get the toy she wanted in her Happy Meal while her sister Serena tries to cheer her up?"

    ko-fi request: "Pls draw something involving sheik and if possible wii fit trainer just hanging out being pals "

    ko-fi request: "Pls draw something involving sheik and if possible wii fit trainer just hanging out being pals "

    I lost my wallet

    I lost my wallet