The Sad Ghost Club@thesadghostclub

    Available until the 21st May - our Exclusive Wall hanging and our 2 favourite pins! Pre-ordering means you get to bag them at a reduced price AND means you help us cover cost, which is just lovely. You can find them here - :)

    Available until the 21st May - our Exclusive Wall hanging and our 2 favourite pins! Pre-ordering means you get to bag them at a reduced price AND means you help us cover cost, which is just lovely.

You can find them here - :)
    Available until the 21st May - our Exclusive Wall hanging and our 2 favourite pins! Pre-ordering means you get to bag them at a reduced price AND means you help us cover cost, which is just lovely.

You can find them here - :)
    Available until the 21st May - our Exclusive Wall hanging and our 2 favourite pins! Pre-ordering means you get to bag them at a reduced price AND means you help us cover cost, which is just lovely.

You can find them here - :)
    Available until the 21st May - our Exclusive Wall hanging and our 2 favourite pins! Pre-ordering means you get to bag them at a reduced price AND means you help us cover cost, which is just lovely.

You can find them here - :)
    The Sad Ghost Club@thesadghostclub

    This magical piece is available as a Wall Hanging (measuring 50x70cm!) to pre-order at a reduced price until the 21st May! There's no guarantee we'll be officially releasing these so, please do pre-order to avoid disappointment! Thank you we love you th...

    This magical piece is available as a Wall Hanging (measuring 50x70cm!) to pre-order at a reduced price until the 21st May! There's no guarantee we'll be officially releasing these so, please do pre-order to avoid disappointment! Thank you we love you th...
    The Sad Ghost Club@thesadghostclub

    Check in on your ghostie pals, even if they seem ok. It can do the world of difference ? From our Guide To Making Friends, a comic about maintaining friendships with ghosties, available here - (but u can also just google it and find all the rules)

    Check in on your ghostie pals, even if they seem ok. It can do the world of difference ?

From our Guide To Making Friends, a comic about maintaining friendships with ghosties, available here - (but u can also just google it and find all the rules)
    The Sad Ghost Club@thesadghostclub

    How do you ghosties stay put when everything inside of you wants to run away and start over?

    How do you ghosties stay put when everything inside of you wants to run away and start over?
    The Sad Ghost Club@thesadghostclub

    How do you ghosties combat this feeling? When you'd like to let someone in to help you and be there, but your brain is just telling you a million lies to prevent you from doing so...

    How do you ghosties combat this feeling? When you'd like to let someone in to help you and be there, but your brain is just telling you a million lies to prevent you from doing so...