Operation Gaia is an online auction, with proceeds benefitting the National Audubon Societ… https://t.co/Srwup4E26M

    Operation Gaia is an online auction, with proceeds benefitting the National Audubon Societ… https://t.co/Srwup4E26M

    One of my best nine is actually @iriscompiet. Her work is awesome. #bestnine2017 #artistsoninstagram #illustratorsoninstagram https://t.co/Wg3renDbmw

    One of my best nine is actually @iriscompiet. Her work is awesome.
#bestnine2017 #artistsoninstagram #illustratorsoninstagram https://t.co/Wg3renDbmw

    My first project was pretty and made no sense. Much like life. Except the pretty part. Just the making no sense part. I'm tired. https://t.co/JrSj2mZhPC

    My first project was pretty and made no sense. Much like life. Except the pretty part. Just the making no sense part. I'm tired. https://t.co/JrSj2mZhPC

    Here's a little peek into how I am making these cards. I paint them in sections and collage them together digitally. "The Hand of the Empress" is available today on @everydayorig #tarot #thempress #amsartor https://t.co/ERncwpr1gC

    Here's a little peek into how I am making these cards. I paint them in sections and collage them together digitally. "The Hand of the Empress" is available today on @everydayorig

#tarot #thempress #amsartor https://t.co/ERncwpr1gC

    What choice will you make? To live free in the wilds, or stay in your safe home? Magic only lives in the wild places, and only shows itself to the brave. #folktaleweek2018 #folktaleweek #magic #amsartor #changelingartistcollective https://t.co/s723odIEQ0

    What choice will you make? To live free in the wilds, or stay in your safe home? Magic only lives in the wild places, and only shows itself to the brave.

#folktaleweek2018 #folktaleweek #magic
#amsartor #changelingartistcollective https://t.co/s723odIEQ0

