You can suggest two titles and funnily enough the same author has a series called 'Jun & Kaoru' which is about childhood friends that switch genders every midnight. I love the author's artwork SO MUCH, so if there was more demand for their work then that'd be REALLY nice.

    You can suggest two titles and funnily enough the same author has a series called 'Jun & Kaoru' which is about childhood friends that switch genders every midnight.

I love the author's artwork SO MUCH, so if there was more demand for their work then that'd be REALLY nice.
    You can suggest two titles and funnily enough the same author has a series called 'Jun & Kaoru' which is about childhood friends that switch genders every midnight.

I love the author's artwork SO MUCH, so if there was more demand for their work then that'd be REALLY nice.
    You can suggest two titles and funnily enough the same author has a series called 'Jun & Kaoru' which is about childhood friends that switch genders every midnight.

I love the author's artwork SO MUCH, so if there was more demand for their work then that'd be REALLY nice.



    Some more smaller things. 😊 I hope to draw much more in the future. #SSSS_GRIDMAN #SSSS_GRIDMAN3周年

    Some more smaller things. 😊
I hope to draw much more in the future.
    Some more smaller things. 😊
I hope to draw much more in the future.
    Some more smaller things. 😊
I hope to draw much more in the future.

    I also finally got around to compiling all the birthday drawings I did last year on Pixiv, so please take another look.✨💖 #SSSS_GRIDMAN #SSSS_GRIDMAN3周年

    I also finally got around to compiling all the birthday drawings I did last year on Pixiv, so please take another look.✨💖

    Inside he mook is all kinds of in depth stuff about the series, most interesting to me though is all the production art and early design works! Shout out the the tiny 'far away' detail designs for Akane (CUTE) nd Anti (LMAO). (3/6)

    Inside he mook is all kinds of in depth stuff about the series, most interesting to me though is all the production art and early design works!
Shout out the the tiny 'far away' detail designs for Akane (CUTE) nd Anti (LMAO).
    Inside he mook is all kinds of in depth stuff about the series, most interesting to me though is all the production art and early design works!
Shout out the the tiny 'far away' detail designs for Akane (CUTE) nd Anti (LMAO).
    Inside he mook is all kinds of in depth stuff about the series, most interesting to me though is all the production art and early design works!
Shout out the the tiny 'far away' detail designs for Akane (CUTE) nd Anti (LMAO).
    Inside he mook is all kinds of in depth stuff about the series, most interesting to me though is all the production art and early design works!
Shout out the the tiny 'far away' detail designs for Akane (CUTE) nd Anti (LMAO).

