
    supposed to be a canvas in which i eventually draw everyone however my brain is melting so i shall sleep

    supposed to be a canvas in which i eventually draw everyone however my brain is melting so i shall sleep

    omg hiii guys have not done one of these drawing templates in a long time 🥺 please comment a character and an outfit!

    omg hiii guys have not done one of these drawing templates in a long time 🥺
please comment a character and an outfit!

    tot ch 2 main story as retold by my friend #TearsOfThemis

    tot ch 2 main story as retold by my friend
    tot ch 2 main story as retold by my friend

    the original prompt and also the sketch i did which i feel captures emotions that i couldnt translate into the final

    the original prompt and also the sketch i did which i feel captures emotions that i couldnt translate into the final
    the original prompt and also the sketch i did which i feel captures emotions that i couldnt translate into the final

    posting these in a smaller batch first because i made a veryyy big mistake and accidentally saved the file on one layer while i was still working on it..............anyways this was fun!!!!

    posting these in a smaller batch first because i made a veryyy big mistake and accidentally saved the file on one layer while i was still working on it..............anyways  this was fun!!!!

