When Sou messes with Keiji, Keiji messes with Sou back ? #yourturntodie #kimigashine

    When Sou messes with Keiji, Keiji messes with Sou back ?

#yourturntodie #kimigashine
    When Sou messes with Keiji, Keiji messes with Sou back ?

#yourturntodie #kimigashine
    When Sou messes with Keiji, Keiji messes with Sou back ?

#yourturntodie #kimigashine
    When Sou messes with Keiji, Keiji messes with Sou back ?

#yourturntodie #kimigashine

    I think Sou has a thing for Keiji but dun we all ? #yourturntodie #kimigashine

    I think Sou has a thing for Keiji but dun we all ?

#yourturntodie #kimigashine
    I think Sou has a thing for Keiji but dun we all ?

#yourturntodie #kimigashine
    I think Sou has a thing for Keiji but dun we all ?

#yourturntodie #kimigashine

    Sora doesn't have a dorm mate and of course shiki would try to move in #dankira #ダンキラ

    Sora doesn't have a dorm mate and of course shiki would try to move in

#dankira #ダンキラ
    Sora doesn't have a dorm mate and of course shiki would try to move in

#dankira #ダンキラ

    Imagine... same plot, except majority vote on who is bottom ? #yourturntodie #kimigashine

    Imagine... same plot, except majority vote on who is bottom ?

#yourturntodie #kimigashine
    Imagine... same plot, except majority vote on who is bottom ?

#yourturntodie #kimigashine
    Imagine... same plot, except majority vote on who is bottom ?

#yourturntodie #kimigashine
    Imagine... same plot, except majority vote on who is bottom ?

#yourturntodie #kimigashine

    I immediately thought "kanna's and sou's lovechild" when I saw him for the first time. I know he isn't but gawd his character design;; #yourturntodie #kimigashine

    I immediately thought "kanna's and sou's lovechild" when I saw him for the first time. I know he isn't but gawd his character design;;

#yourturntodie #kimigashine