
    Reminder than I make folders full of funny pose references that I drew and you can download them from my Ko-fi store! https://t.co/7R3DJhfFnV

    Reminder than I make folders full of funny pose references that I drew and you can download them from my Ko-fi store!
    Reminder than I make folders full of funny pose references that I drew and you can download them from my Ko-fi store!
    Reminder than I make folders full of funny pose references that I drew and you can download them from my Ko-fi store!

    Jimmy, Stop 😭 #middleversevirginia

    Jimmy, Stop 😭

    Chris don't care if you're a murderous psycho who wants him dead. He's gonna shoot his shot. Haven't drawn the hunters of my series #MiddleverseVirginia in a while lol

    Chris don't care if you're a murderous psycho who wants him dead. He's gonna shoot his shot.
Haven't drawn the hunters of my series #MiddleverseVirginia in a while lol
    Chris don't care if you're a murderous psycho who wants him dead. He's gonna shoot his shot.
Haven't drawn the hunters of my series #MiddleverseVirginia in a while lol
    Chris don't care if you're a murderous psycho who wants him dead. He's gonna shoot his shot.
Haven't drawn the hunters of my series #MiddleverseVirginia in a while lol
    Chris don't care if you're a murderous psycho who wants him dead. He's gonna shoot his shot.
Haven't drawn the hunters of my series #MiddleverseVirginia in a while lol

    Crazy attracts Crazy

    Crazy attracts Crazy

    When you weren't as memorable as you thought. Little idiot forgot he was a completely different species last time they met...

    When you weren't as memorable as you thought.
Little idiot forgot he was a completely different species last time they met...