tumblr is a fun and friendly place these anons really gotta try harder to upset me lol

    tumblr is a fun and friendly place
these anons really gotta try harder to upset me lol
    tumblr is a fun and friendly place
these anons really gotta try harder to upset me lol

    well at least ur all honest ty

    well at least ur all honest ty

    Thank you all for the last few years of support! I'm probably not going to stop drawing SU stuff, but hopefully we can all follow each other through different fun things!

    Thank you all for the last few years of support! I'm probably not going to stop drawing SU stuff, but hopefully we can all follow each other through different fun things!


    its been raining a lot recently...taking Button out for walks is much more of a chore while wet

    its been raining a lot recently...taking Button out for walks is much more of a chore while wet