Lapis tries to cheer Spinel up in the most feral way possible

    Lapis tries to cheer Spinel up in the most feral way possible
    Lapis tries to cheer Spinel up in the most feral way possible
    Lapis tries to cheer Spinel up in the most feral way possible
    Lapis tries to cheer Spinel up in the most feral way possible

    will I actually do this and finish??? tune in next time (no OCs please)

    will I actually do this and finish??? tune in next time (no OCs please)

    Does anybody remember Iolite? (iolite, not lolite) This was a fun nonsensical fan fusion that I wanna draw again sometime... They like food and have 0 memory of their individual parts.

    Does anybody remember Iolite? (iolite, not lolite)
This was a fun nonsensical fan fusion that I wanna draw again sometime... They like food and have 0 memory of their individual parts.
    Does anybody remember Iolite? (iolite, not lolite)
This was a fun nonsensical fan fusion that I wanna draw again sometime... They like food and have 0 memory of their individual parts.
    Does anybody remember Iolite? (iolite, not lolite)
This was a fun nonsensical fan fusion that I wanna draw again sometime... They like food and have 0 memory of their individual parts.
    Does anybody remember Iolite? (iolite, not lolite)
This was a fun nonsensical fan fusion that I wanna draw again sometime... They like food and have 0 memory of their individual parts.

    oh yeah she can also do this

    oh yeah she can also do this

    Thank you everyone for your suggestions! This was really fun to do! #SixFanarts

    Thank you everyone for your suggestions! This was really fun to do! #SixFanarts