Here's the ink sketch of the Forage, and another friend: The Chef!!

    Here's the ink sketch of the Forage, and another friend: The Chef!!

    Terrarium space person? Terrarium space person.

    Terrarium space person? Terrarium space person.

    An undercurrent of shadow like beings, living within a small, sleepy town...

    An undercurrent of shadow like beings, living within a small, sleepy town...

    As heavy as an Omen is, her first thought was about the mess it had caused on her laundry...

    As heavy as an Omen is, her first thought was about the mess it had caused on her laundry...

    Dylia and Friends. "They're my good friends" she smiled, "don't underestimate them, hehheh"

    Dylia and Friends. "They're my good friends" she smiled, "don't underestimate them, hehheh"