A doodle of some Humming Sprites, and their tenacious human friend :)

    A doodle of some Humming Sprites, and their tenacious human friend :)

    Was doin' a bit of inking practice, featuring FLUFFY FAIRY DOGGO and KING CAT ... They both roam in the fields outside of town.

    Was doin' a bit of inking practice, featuring FLUFFY FAIRY DOGGO and KING CAT ... They both roam in the fields outside of town.
    Was doin' a bit of inking practice, featuring FLUFFY FAIRY DOGGO and KING CAT ... They both roam in the fields outside of town.

    Some sea kinda fruit doodles, was thinking about cute shapes . . ☆!

    Some sea kinda fruit doodles, was thinking about cute shapes . . ☆!

    @TokeninAC A seal who collects the fruits

    @TokeninAC A seal who collects the fruits

    Morning from New Zealand .. here's a rabbit who lives by the sea growing salt cabbages (• ○•)~

    Morning from New Zealand .. here's a rabbit who lives by the sea growing salt cabbages 
(• ○•)~