I was supposed to include this as an anime screenshot-style strip for the Lucky Me! Pancit Canton dudes but I opted for the character sheet stuff instead haha (I scanned it from my sketch book because I still find it hilarious in a crack fic kinda way. Colour is added digitally)

    I was supposed to include this as an anime screenshot-style strip for the Lucky Me! Pancit Canton dudes but I opted for the character sheet stuff instead haha
(I scanned it from my sketch book because I still find it  hilarious in a crack fic kinda way. Colour is added digitally)
    I was supposed to include this as an anime screenshot-style strip for the Lucky Me! Pancit Canton dudes but I opted for the character sheet stuff instead haha
(I scanned it from my sketch book because I still find it  hilarious in a crack fic kinda way. Colour is added digitally)
    I was supposed to include this as an anime screenshot-style strip for the Lucky Me! Pancit Canton dudes but I opted for the character sheet stuff instead haha
(I scanned it from my sketch book because I still find it  hilarious in a crack fic kinda way. Colour is added digitally)

    me atm

    me atm

    That moment when shipwars between shippers get so annoying that you're just like

    That moment when shipwars between shippers get so annoying that you're just like

    Detective Conan aired around 4 pm on local tv; just in time when I got home from elementary school. The wide-eyed dead people always caught me off guard as a kid, so, I watched it at the opposite end of the room whenever I'm alone?

    Detective Conan aired around 4 pm on local tv; just in time when I got home from elementary school. The wide-eyed dead people always caught me off guard as a kid, so, I watched it at the opposite end of the room whenever I'm alone?

    When they like your dumb meme art more than your serious art ? haha Good evening!

    When they like your dumb meme art more than your serious art ? haha

Good evening!
    When they like your dumb meme art more than your serious art ? haha

Good evening!