Some 20+ year old drawings from stories that I still kept haha •Ghost Hunter Haruki •Pokémon Team •1/2 Teacher Gangster Ikkihara •Billy Gunfighter

    Some 20+ year old drawings from stories that I still kept haha

•Ghost Hunter Haruki
•Pokémon Team
•1/2 Teacher Gangster Ikkihara
•Billy Gunfighter
    Some 20+ year old drawings from stories that I still kept haha

•Ghost Hunter Haruki
•Pokémon Team
•1/2 Teacher Gangster Ikkihara
•Billy Gunfighter
    Some 20+ year old drawings from stories that I still kept haha

•Ghost Hunter Haruki
•Pokémon Team
•1/2 Teacher Gangster Ikkihara
•Billy Gunfighter
    Some 20+ year old drawings from stories that I still kept haha

•Ghost Hunter Haruki
•Pokémon Team
•1/2 Teacher Gangster Ikkihara
•Billy Gunfighter

    I always had bangs since I was a child and I keep it that way because I look intimidating with my hair slicked back. I also have a scar near my eye that got sliced by the metal eraser holder on a whiteboard because I was a foolish teen haha

    I always had bangs since I was a child and I keep it that way because I look intimidating with my hair slicked back. I also have a scar near my eye that got sliced by the metal eraser holder on a whiteboard because I was a foolish teen haha

    I like pretending like an Npc sometimes haha

    I like pretending like an Npc sometimes haha

    some quick shitpost sketch I imagine Abyss Twin could pick up the traveler's scent on Enjou and wonders how he's still alive despite their encounter ...if that thing ever teleports back to wherever their base is haha

    some quick shitpost sketch

I imagine Abyss Twin could pick up the traveler's scent on Enjou and wonders how he's still alive despite their encounter
...if that thing ever teleports back to wherever their base is

    When your sketchbook also has some sketches you'd rather bring to your grave than show to your friends haha

    When your sketchbook also has some sketches you'd rather bring to your grave than show to your friends haha
    When your sketchbook also has some sketches you'd rather bring to your grave than show to your friends haha
    When your sketchbook also has some sketches you'd rather bring to your grave than show to your friends haha
    When your sketchbook also has some sketches you'd rather bring to your grave than show to your friends haha