king 🎃@requiemofkings

    ive refined my tastes to this one ship dynamic and i will only be living like this for the rest of my life

    ive refined my tastes to this one ship dynamic and i will only be living like this for the rest of my life
    king 🎃@requiemofkings

    claude's damage art smirk takes up precious real estate in my head

    claude's damage art smirk takes up precious real estate in my head
    king 🎃@requiemofkings

    waddup #comfortoc #comfortocs van and sang are my new boys but they bring me much peace lately

    waddup #comfortoc #comfortocs van and sang are my new boys but they bring me much peace lately
    waddup #comfortoc #comfortocs van and sang are my new boys but they bring me much peace lately
    waddup #comfortoc #comfortocs van and sang are my new boys but they bring me much peace lately
    king 🎃@requiemofkings


    king 🎃@requiemofkings

    [dainkae] boys with obscure face accessories

    [dainkae] boys with obscure face accessories