bringing back "Weirds" to mean fate

    bringing back "Weirds" to mean fate

    when sharks display aggression they enter a posture known as "Goof-ass Dork Mode"

    when sharks display aggression they enter a posture known as "Goof-ass Dork Mode"

    5 years. Thanks to everyone who played

    5 years.
Thanks to everyone who played
    5 years.
Thanks to everyone who played
    5 years.
Thanks to everyone who played
    5 years.
Thanks to everyone who played

    An ancestor of Mae. She was a character in an animated short I was working on immediately before NITW. Never did finish it but she stuck around and morphed into the Mae you know. Or animorphed I guess.

    An ancestor of Mae. She was a character in an animated short I was working on immediately before NITW. Never did finish it but she stuck around and morphed into the Mae you know. Or animorphed I guess.
    An ancestor of Mae. She was a character in an animated short I was working on immediately before NITW. Never did finish it but she stuck around and morphed into the Mae you know. Or animorphed I guess.

    alright Elden Ring what century are we in here

    alright Elden Ring what century are we in here

