alice ☔️@ayaamoo

    page from a graphic novel assignment I'm working on for illust class I don't like any of the the other pages /ming

    page from a graphic novel assignment I'm working on for illust class

I don't like any of the the other pages /ming
    alice ☔️@ayaamoo

    We're doing conceptual portraits in class lmao..... my instructor is going to punch me when he sees this

    We're doing conceptual portraits in class lmao..... my instructor is going to punch me when he sees this
    alice ☔️@ayaamoo

    Even though his boom boom hair is my fav I cant get over how good he looked with the bob ;v;; #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴

    Even though his boom boom hair is my fav I cant get over how good he looked with the bob ;v;; 
    alice ☔️@ayaamoo

    one day i will finish things i start #NotToday #bts #wip

    one day i will finish things i start #NotToday 

#bts #wip
    alice ☔️@ayaamoo

    added a judging yoongi

    added a judging yoongi