Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    I like the idea that those mandibles aren't really 'teeth', but rather like crab-arms that can grab ahold of food. It'd also absorb/slowly digest/dissolve prey into its 'nucleus' while holding onto it.

    I like the idea that those mandibles aren't really 'teeth', but rather like crab-arms that can grab ahold of food. It'd also absorb/slowly digest/dissolve prey into its 'nucleus' while holding onto it.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Last thing for tonight-- dunno why but I'm in a nostalgic mood and drew up my favorite Bionicle, haha.

    Last thing for tonight-- dunno why but I'm in a nostalgic mood and drew up my favorite Bionicle, haha.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    ...aaand a splash of color. #Bionicle

    ...aaand a splash of color. 

    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Put together this loose 'guide to lineart' years back, added a list of artists I admire that fall into various linestyle categories-- I'm sure I'm missing a lot, just as I'm sure there's a lot of crossover. This isn't a tutorial, but some pointers about different linestyles.

    Put together this loose 'guide to lineart' years back, added a list of artists I admire that fall into various linestyle categories-- I'm sure I'm missing a lot, just as I'm sure there's a lot of crossover.   

This isn't a tutorial, but some pointers about different linestyles.
    Put together this loose 'guide to lineart' years back, added a list of artists I admire that fall into various linestyle categories-- I'm sure I'm missing a lot, just as I'm sure there's a lot of crossover.   

This isn't a tutorial, but some pointers about different linestyles.
    Put together this loose 'guide to lineart' years back, added a list of artists I admire that fall into various linestyle categories-- I'm sure I'm missing a lot, just as I'm sure there's a lot of crossover.   

This isn't a tutorial, but some pointers about different linestyles.
    Put together this loose 'guide to lineart' years back, added a list of artists I admire that fall into various linestyle categories-- I'm sure I'm missing a lot, just as I'm sure there's a lot of crossover.   

This isn't a tutorial, but some pointers about different linestyles.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Quick Baron Harkonnen mood-sketch from a bit ago.

    Quick Baron Harkonnen mood-sketch from a bit ago.