Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    "Zero Suit Samus isn't sexualized" and "She's has no skin showing" Playing coy isn't gonna work. There's a clear difference between how she was portrayed in artwork prior to Zero Mission and after, and the design has since gotten even worse than it already was.

    "Zero Suit Samus isn't sexualized" and "She's has no skin showing"

Playing coy isn't gonna work. 

There's a clear difference between how she was portrayed in artwork prior to Zero Mission and after, and the design has since gotten even worse than it already was.
    "Zero Suit Samus isn't sexualized" and "She's has no skin showing"

Playing coy isn't gonna work. 

There's a clear difference between how she was portrayed in artwork prior to Zero Mission and after, and the design has since gotten even worse than it already was.
    "Zero Suit Samus isn't sexualized" and "She's has no skin showing"

Playing coy isn't gonna work. 

There's a clear difference between how she was portrayed in artwork prior to Zero Mission and after, and the design has since gotten even worse than it already was.
    "Zero Suit Samus isn't sexualized" and "She's has no skin showing"

Playing coy isn't gonna work. 

There's a clear difference between how she was portrayed in artwork prior to Zero Mission and after, and the design has since gotten even worse than it already was.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Couple Ridley Scott-themed sketches from a while back that I still like.

    Couple Ridley Scott-themed sketches from a while back that I still like.
    Couple Ridley Scott-themed sketches from a while back that I still like.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    'nother fantasy illustration in progress...excited about this one.

    'nother fantasy illustration in progress...excited about this one.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Skellies make everything better

    Skellies make everything better
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Peek at a handful of the reference material-- color, costume inspiration, etc. I've also got a skull sitting on my desk so I can photograph it from any angle I need for additional reference.

    Peek at a handful of the reference material-- color, costume inspiration, etc. 

I've also got a skull sitting on my desk so I can photograph it from any angle I need for additional reference.