Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    I know these are from previous incarnations and not Waititi's, but... this is still what we're probably gonna get if this movie somehow gets made. I think there's always going to be enough backlash preventing it from happening, so I take comfort in that.

    I know these are from previous incarnations and not Waititi's, but... this is still what we're probably gonna get if this movie somehow gets made. 

I think there's always going to be enough backlash preventing it from happening, so I take comfort in that.
    I know these are from previous incarnations and not Waititi's, but... this is still what we're probably gonna get if this movie somehow gets made. 

I think there's always going to be enough backlash preventing it from happening, so I take comfort in that.
    I know these are from previous incarnations and not Waititi's, but... this is still what we're probably gonna get if this movie somehow gets made. 

I think there's always going to be enough backlash preventing it from happening, so I take comfort in that.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Drop your B&W art, any medium!

    Drop your B&W art, any medium!
    Drop your B&W art, any medium!
    Drop your B&W art, any medium!
    Drop your B&W art, any medium!
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Winding down after the big move with some personal art before jumping into commissions tomorrow. Next 'Memento Mori' design in progress!

    Winding down after the big move with some personal art before jumping into commissions tomorrow. 

Next 'Memento Mori' design in progress!
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Quickie sketch of Leto II before bed. Imagining him almost like the worm's uvula and tongue.

    Quickie sketch of Leto II before bed. 

Imagining him almost like the worm's uvula and tongue.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    A selection of characters from John Crowley's first novel, The Deep (1975). My introduction to Crowley's wonderful writing.

    A selection of characters from John Crowley's first novel, The Deep (1975). My introduction to Crowley's wonderful writing.
    A selection of characters from John Crowley's first novel, The Deep (1975). My introduction to Crowley's wonderful writing.
    A selection of characters from John Crowley's first novel, The Deep (1975). My introduction to Crowley's wonderful writing.
    A selection of characters from John Crowley's first novel, The Deep (1975). My introduction to Crowley's wonderful writing.