Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Hot take: Manga and comics? both great.

    Hot take: Manga and comics? both great.
    Hot take: Manga and comics? both great.
    Hot take: Manga and comics? both great.
    Hot take: Manga and comics? both great.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Question about Godwyn from Elden Ring-- what do y'all see his face like? I'm inclined to say B seeing that this is the orientation in which he's facing the player under stormveil.

    Question about Godwyn from Elden Ring-- what do y'all see his face like? 

I'm inclined to say B seeing that this is the orientation in which he's facing the player under stormveil.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Started Charles Saunders' Imaro the other day. Sword & Sorcery meets African mythology and lovecraftian horror. Intense, violent, strange.

    Started Charles Saunders' Imaro the other day. Sword & Sorcery meets African mythology and lovecraftian horror. Intense, violent, strange.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Been reading The Neverending Story. Here's a couple of quick sketches.

    Been reading The Neverending Story. Here's a couple of quick sketches.
    Been reading The Neverending Story. Here's a couple of quick sketches.
    Been reading The Neverending Story. Here's a couple of quick sketches.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    1978: Watership Down 1977: Sorcerer 1976: Mikey and Nicky 1975: Barry Lyndon

    1978: Watership Down
1977: Sorcerer 
1976: Mikey and Nicky
1975: Barry Lyndon
    1978: Watership Down
1977: Sorcerer 
1976: Mikey and Nicky
1975: Barry Lyndon
    1978: Watership Down
1977: Sorcerer 
1976: Mikey and Nicky
1975: Barry Lyndon
    1978: Watership Down
1977: Sorcerer 
1976: Mikey and Nicky
1975: Barry Lyndon