Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Yeah, im an #ArtistOnTwitter

    Yeah, im an #ArtistOnTwitter
    Yeah, im an #ArtistOnTwitter
    Yeah, im an #ArtistOnTwitter
    Yeah, im an #ArtistOnTwitter
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    BOTNS sketches: Dr. Talos presenting Eschatology and Genesis Severian encounters Baldanders and the Hierodules

    BOTNS sketches:

Dr. Talos presenting Eschatology and Genesis

Severian encounters Baldanders and the Hierodules
    BOTNS sketches:

Dr. Talos presenting Eschatology and Genesis

Severian encounters Baldanders and the Hierodules
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Repostin' some Dune stuff. #moltobenegesserit

    Repostin' some Dune stuff. 

    Repostin' some Dune stuff. 

    Repostin' some Dune stuff. 

    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Defense of her completely relies on strawmanning the opposition. She literally thinks we're all going to bat for Balenciaga-- everyone knows their ad campaign was edgy and weird. Nobody cares about their reputation. But her posts directly and indirectly cause collateral harm.

    Defense of her completely relies on strawmanning the opposition. 

She literally thinks we're all going to bat for Balenciaga-- everyone knows their ad campaign was edgy and weird. Nobody cares about their reputation.

But her posts directly and indirectly cause collateral harm.