Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Flame Chariots in Elden Ring are among my favorite designs in Fromsoft's repertoire. Tracing them back to concepts for War-Machines from the middle ages makes them even cooler.

    Flame Chariots in Elden Ring are among my favorite designs in Fromsoft's repertoire. Tracing them back to concepts for War-Machines from the middle ages makes them even cooler.
    Flame Chariots in Elden Ring are among my favorite designs in Fromsoft's repertoire. Tracing them back to concepts for War-Machines from the middle ages makes them even cooler.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Mervyn Peake's drawings are as phenomenal as his writing.

    Mervyn Peake's drawings are as phenomenal as his writing.
    Mervyn Peake's drawings are as phenomenal as his writing.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Though unfinished and carrying a mixed reputation, Titus Alone is still an excellent display of Peake's imagination... Featuring Mad Max-ass vehicles and weird futuristic elements among other such curiosities. Muzzlehatch is among the series' best characters.

    Though unfinished and carrying a mixed reputation, Titus Alone is still an excellent display of Peake's imagination... Featuring Mad Max-ass vehicles and weird futuristic elements among other such curiosities. 

Muzzlehatch is among the series' best characters.
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus

    Bestiary Alphabetum series 1: Q, R, S, T

    Bestiary Alphabetum series 1: Q, R, S, T
    Bestiary Alphabetum series 1: Q, R, S, T
    Bestiary Alphabetum series 1: Q, R, S, T
    Bestiary Alphabetum series 1: Q, R, S, T
    Nathan Anderson@deimosremus