
    That moment when your adoptive witch mum temporarily erases any memory of trauma so you could get a breather-also so you don't eventually kill everyone by turning into this..

    That moment when your adoptive witch mum temporarily erases any memory of trauma so you could get a breather-also so you don't eventually kill everyone by turning into this..

    !!!!!!!! I deadass had 22 followers 10ish hours ago, thank u for the lovessssss ASDFJKLK;L;;;;;; , #obeyme #obeymemammon #obeymemc

    !!!!!!!! I deadass had 22 followers 10ish hours ago, thank u for the lovessssss ASDFJKLK;L;;;;;;
#obeyme #obeymemammon #obeymemc

    Another Cheer Mammon I did ;;;; . . #obeyme #obeymemammon #mammon

    Another Cheer Mammon I did ;;;;
#obeyme #obeymemammon #mammon

    Weird idea I made indulgent art for: Solomon and the mc are hit by a spell that revert them to a much younger age. They temporarily lose a lot of their memories as adults too. . . #obeyme #obeymesolomon #obeymemc

    Weird idea I made indulgent art for:
Solomon and the mc are hit by a spell that revert them to a much younger age. They temporarily lose a lot of their memories as adults too.
#obeyme #obeymesolomon #obeymemc
    Weird idea I made indulgent art for:
Solomon and the mc are hit by a spell that revert them to a much younger age. They temporarily lose a lot of their memories as adults too.
#obeyme #obeymesolomon #obeymemc
    Weird idea I made indulgent art for:
Solomon and the mc are hit by a spell that revert them to a much younger age. They temporarily lose a lot of their memories as adults too.
#obeyme #obeymesolomon #obeymemc
    Weird idea I made indulgent art for:
Solomon and the mc are hit by a spell that revert them to a much younger age. They temporarily lose a lot of their memories as adults too.
#obeyme #obeymesolomon #obeymemc

    More smolomon content and an angry Gracia . . #obeyme #obeymemc #obeymebeelzebub #obeymesimeon #obeymesolomon #obeymebelphegor #obeymeluke

    More smolomon content and an angry Gracia
#obeyme #obeymemc #obeymebeelzebub #obeymesimeon #obeymesolomon #obeymebelphegor #obeymeluke
    More smolomon content and an angry Gracia
#obeyme #obeymemc #obeymebeelzebub #obeymesimeon #obeymesolomon #obeymebelphegor #obeymeluke