#YonaSpoilers Yona was caught. Chagol asked the dragons if Yona will be taken and get killed, will Kouka citizens and King Suwon will break. Chagol thinks dragons reactions says the answer. Chagol brought Yona at Meinyan's tent, when Yona was bout say bout Val, Chagol stops her.

Yona was caught. Chagol asked the dragons if Yona will be taken and get killed, will Kouka citizens and King Suwon will break. Chagol thinks dragons reactions says the answer. Chagol brought Yona at Meinyan's tent, when Yona was bout say bout Val, Chagol stops her.
Yona was caught. Chagol asked the dragons if Yona will be taken and get killed, will Kouka citizens and King Suwon will break. Chagol thinks dragons reactions says the answer. Chagol brought Yona at Meinyan's tent, when Yona was bout say bout Val, Chagol stops her.
Yona was caught. Chagol asked the dragons if Yona will be taken and get killed, will Kouka citizens and King Suwon will break. Chagol thinks dragons reactions says the answer. Chagol brought Yona at Meinyan's tent, when Yona was bout say bout Val, Chagol stops her.
Yona was caught. Chagol asked the dragons if Yona will be taken and get killed, will Kouka citizens and King Suwon will break. Chagol thinks dragons reactions says the answer. Chagol brought Yona at Meinyan's tent, when Yona was bout say bout Val, Chagol stops her.

    MafuYama coloring commission 🏳️‍🌈💕 #mycoloring #Given #佐藤真冬 #givenanime

    MafuYama coloring commission 🏳️‍🌈💕

    #yonaspoilers Yona 239 Well yh they tried to escape, but had to fight Chagol. Chagol took Yona down ofc Hak coming in clutch. Yona shoot an arrow to Chagol, but just like he said, South Kai won't sink in that kind of scratch. Another break, next chapter will resume on April 5th.

Yona 239
Well yh they tried to escape, but had to fight  Chagol. Chagol took Yona down ofc Hak coming in clutch. Yona shoot an arrow to Chagol, but just like he said, South Kai won't sink in that kind of scratch. Another break, next chapter will resume on April 5th.
Yona 239
Well yh they tried to escape, but had to fight  Chagol. Chagol took Yona down ofc Hak coming in clutch. Yona shoot an arrow to Chagol, but just like he said, South Kai won't sink in that kind of scratch. Another break, next chapter will resume on April 5th.
Yona 239
Well yh they tried to escape, but had to fight  Chagol. Chagol took Yona down ofc Hak coming in clutch. Yona shoot an arrow to Chagol, but just like he said, South Kai won't sink in that kind of scratch. Another break, next chapter will resume on April 5th.
Yona 239
Well yh they tried to escape, but had to fight  Chagol. Chagol took Yona down ofc Hak coming in clutch. Yona shoot an arrow to Chagol, but just like he said, South Kai won't sink in that kind of scratch. Another break, next chapter will resume on April 5th.

    #YonaSpoilers #Yona241 then Yona suddenly felt something. Hak asked what's the matter. Yona said, just now, it seems she heard the dragon's voices.

    #YonaSpoilers #Yona241 
then Yona suddenly felt something.
Hak asked what's the matter. Yona said, just now, it seems she heard the dragon's voices.
    #YonaSpoilers #Yona241 
then Yona suddenly felt something.
Hak asked what's the matter. Yona said, just now, it seems she heard the dragon's voices.

    #YonaSpoilers #Yona242 Kyoga telling everyone there were 3 dragons attacked South Kai commandments. Judo be like, "you tired?" 😭

    #YonaSpoilers #Yona242 Kyoga telling everyone there were 3 dragons attacked South Kai commandments. Judo be like, "you tired?" 😭