WIP (o'ω`o)ノ
Third day complete~ #inktober2017
5th day (T▽T) #inktober2017
asdfghjkl I managed to complete the 7th day in a row and now I'm barely hanging on ( ≧Д≦) #inktober2017
Heeelllllooooo ヽ(°◇° )ノ
Me right now 8D
Komi ✨ #古見さんはコミュ症です
Are you a dog-person or a cat-person? 🐶🐱
ponytails 👀
Stores on November 1st be like:
juice or soda? ??
today's sketches uwu
Finally finished! I hope this helps ? Let me know your favourite one ehehe