day 1- modern au starting #2020DimilixWeek with this music band AU that @chusyds and i exchanged a billion messages about

    day 1- modern au
starting #2020DimilixWeek with this music band AU that @chusyds and i exchanged a billion messages about

    @chusyds some more doodles,, basically felix is in a band with sylvain and annette and he meets dimitri after one of their concerts and they fall in love. thank you

    @chusyds some more doodles,, basically felix is in a band with sylvain and annette and he meets dimitri after one of their concerts and they fall in love. thank you
    @chusyds some more doodles,, basically felix is in a band with sylvain and annette and he meets dimitri after one of their concerts and they fall in love. thank you

    @chusyds one more ?

    @chusyds one more ?

    courting #2020DimilixWeek


    384 spoilers //// this is So Cute

    384 spoilers ////

this is So Cute