@DaMattoonCorner The crash and coco art I drew was reposted to someone. Moreover, I was not the author, but this Instagram user. I'm angry This Instagram user also reprints images of others without permission

    @DaMattoonCorner The crash and coco art I drew was reposted to someone.  Moreover, I was not the author, but this Instagram user.  I'm angry
This Instagram user also reprints images of others without permission
    @DaMattoonCorner The crash and coco art I drew was reposted to someone.  Moreover, I was not the author, but this Instagram user.  I'm angry
This Instagram user also reprints images of others without permission
    @DaMattoonCorner The crash and coco art I drew was reposted to someone.  Moreover, I was not the author, but this Instagram user.  I'm angry
This Instagram user also reprints images of others without permission
    @DaMattoonCorner The crash and coco art I drew was reposted to someone.  Moreover, I was not the author, but this Instagram user.  I'm angry
This Instagram user also reprints images of others without permission

    自分がかつて描いたハワイアンクラココがInstagramで私の許可無くユーザーが転載▶その後dAでも無断転載と同時に著者が私じゃなくInstagramユーザー表記になっている?????????? サイン書いてあるでしょーが??????????


    Sasha: Rosette, are you going to doubt him? He's a brave and dependable hero who helped me and you! look! This confident face! Rosette:(What the hell am I looking at ...) Crash and my OC doodles

    Sasha: Rosette, are you going to doubt him? He's a brave and dependable hero who helped me and you! look! This confident face!
Rosette:(What the hell am I looking at ...)

Crash and my OC doodles
    Sasha: Rosette, are you going to doubt him? He's a brave and dependable hero who helped me and you! look! This confident face!
Rosette:(What the hell am I looking at ...)

Crash and my OC doodles

    @Arsbinbcc Hello! Thank you as always! Do you still have reception hours? I would like to present my OC "Loon Panther".

    @Arsbinbcc Hello!  Thank you as always!  Do you still have reception hours?  I would like to present my OC "Loon Panther".
    @Arsbinbcc Hello!  Thank you as always!  Do you still have reception hours?  I would like to present my OC "Loon Panther".

    自己解釈落書き 仮に喋ること出来ても頭の中はぶっとび状態のアホ野郎であることに代わりはないようにしてる。シュレックと言い、グルーと言い、吹き替えで関西弁喋るキャラに最近また熱走ってる


