Monster Hunter@monsterhunter

    Wirebugs launch a soft, strong filament from their abdomen. Using that filament, a hunter may travel freely and openly throughout a field. The three possible options of Wirebug movement are lateral, diagonal forward, and towards a targeted direction.

    Wirebugs launch a soft, strong filament from their abdomen.

Using that filament, a hunter may travel freely and openly throughout a field.

The three possible options of Wirebug movement are lateral, diagonal forward, and towards a targeted direction.
    Monster Hunter@monsterhunter

    Monster Hunter Rise Concept Art: Bombadgy anatomy. ?? #MHRise

    Monster Hunter Rise Concept Art: Bombadgy anatomy. ?? #MHRise
    Monster Hunter@monsterhunter

    Monster Hunter Rise Concept Art: Magnamalo sketches. #MHRise

    Monster Hunter Rise Concept Art: Magnamalo sketches. #MHRise
    Monster Hunter@monsterhunter

    Monster Hunter Rise Concept Art: references for Magnamalo poses. #MHRise

    Monster Hunter Rise Concept Art: references for Magnamalo poses. #MHRise
    Monster Hunter@monsterhunter

    Monster Hunter Rise Concept Art: a Felyne worried they're losing their spot in the hunting party now that Canynes have joined the fray. Pain... Will you take a Felyne with you on the hunt in #MHRise ?

    Monster Hunter Rise Concept Art: a Felyne worried they're losing their spot in the hunting party now that Canynes have joined the fray. Pain...

Will you take a Felyne with you on the hunt in #MHRise ?

