See y'all later! Will be back and better than ever (with the exception of two less organs.)

    See y'all later! Will be back and better than ever (with the exception of two less organs.)

    It's my birth month so I made myself a new mascot as a treat. Time to commission dozens of arts of her. 🥺✨

    It's my birth month so I made myself a new mascot as a treat. Time to commission dozens of arts of her. 🥺✨

    Let's relive the early days.... Make a super cool sparkledog with me. <3

    Let's relive the early days.... Make a super cool sparkledog with me. <3

    I once had a nightmare that I died and someone summoned my spirit with a ouija board to request a custom.

    I once had a nightmare that I died and someone summoned my spirit with a ouija board to request a custom.

    Easy Character Design: A Tutorial 1. Get depressed and leave cups of coffee everywhere. Inevitably forget about them until they grow mold. 2. BAM... Nature designed your character for you.

    Easy Character Design: A Tutorial
1. Get depressed and leave cups of coffee everywhere. Inevitably forget about them until they grow mold.
2. BAM... Nature designed your character for you.
    Easy Character Design: A Tutorial
1. Get depressed and leave cups of coffee everywhere. Inevitably forget about them until they grow mold.
2. BAM... Nature designed your character for you.