
    "D... d-do you... hate me now too...? Is... i-is this what I deserve...?"

    "D... d-do you... hate me now too...? Is... i-is this what I deserve...?"
    "D... d-do you... hate me now too...? Is... i-is this what I deserve...?"
    "D... d-do you... hate me now too...? Is... i-is this what I deserve...?"

    "How much longer do we have to wait, sis!? It hurts to see her like that! This entire problem stinks!" "I dunno... for all we know, change could take another year, or be sooner than we may think..."

    "How much longer do we have to wait, sis!? It hurts to see her like that! This entire problem stinks!"
"I dunno... for all we know, change could take another year, or be sooner than we may think..."
    "How much longer do we have to wait, sis!? It hurts to see her like that! This entire problem stinks!"
"I dunno... for all we know, change could take another year, or be sooner than we may think..."
    "How much longer do we have to wait, sis!? It hurts to see her like that! This entire problem stinks!"
"I dunno... for all we know, change could take another year, or be sooner than we may think..."

    "... Corey..." "Y-yeah, Nep...?" " ... I think we, uh... may need to think about moving again..."

    "... Corey..."
"Y-yeah, Nep...?"
" ... I think we, uh... may need to think about moving again..."
    "... Corey..."
"Y-yeah, Nep...?"
" ... I think we, uh... may need to think about moving again..."
    "... Corey..."
"Y-yeah, Nep...?"
" ... I think we, uh... may need to think about moving again..."
    "... Corey..."
"Y-yeah, Nep...?"
" ... I think we, uh... may need to think about moving again..."

    "I thought I told him to leave me alone... why's he here again...?"

    "I thought I told him to leave me alone... why's he here again...?"
    "I thought I told him to leave me alone... why's he here again...?"
    "I thought I told him to leave me alone... why's he here again...?"
    "I thought I told him to leave me alone... why's he here again...?"

    "... V-vanille...? A-are... are you oka--"

    "... V-vanille...? A-are... are you oka--"
    "... V-vanille...? A-are... are you oka--"
    "... V-vanille...? A-are... are you oka--"
    "... V-vanille...? A-are... are you oka--"

