
    "After all... it's your technique..." --- Havin' lots of fun with these fight scenes~

    "After all... it's your technique..."
Havin' lots of fun with these fight scenes~
    "After all... it's your technique..."
Havin' lots of fun with these fight scenes~
    "After all... it's your technique..."
Havin' lots of fun with these fight scenes~
    "After all... it's your technique..."
Havin' lots of fun with these fight scenes~

    can't believe I have a sea siren literally made of [mostly] water yet never did this meme yet... correcting that now

    can't believe I have a sea siren literally made of [mostly] water yet never did this meme yet... correcting that now
    can't believe I have a sea siren literally made of [mostly] water yet never did this meme yet... correcting that now
    can't believe I have a sea siren literally made of [mostly] water yet never did this meme yet... correcting that now
    can't believe I have a sea siren literally made of [mostly] water yet never did this meme yet... correcting that now

    @MissLunasilga Azura! She originally belonged to @kiras_haven ! A former merc-for-hire now gone policewoman, she's quite a wily, bold and fun-loving girl that ain't afraid to be brutal. She likes forming crystalline ki weapons and barriers when things get confrontational. A valuable team girl!

    @MissLunasilga Azura!
She originally belonged to @kiras_haven !
A former merc-for-hire now gone policewoman, she's quite a wily, bold and fun-loving girl that ain't afraid to be brutal. She likes forming crystalline ki weapons and barriers when things get confrontational. A valuable team girl!
    @MissLunasilga Azura!
She originally belonged to @kiras_haven !
A former merc-for-hire now gone policewoman, she's quite a wily, bold and fun-loving girl that ain't afraid to be brutal. She likes forming crystalline ki weapons and barriers when things get confrontational. A valuable team girl!
    @MissLunasilga Azura!
She originally belonged to @kiras_haven !
A former merc-for-hire now gone policewoman, she's quite a wily, bold and fun-loving girl that ain't afraid to be brutal. She likes forming crystalline ki weapons and barriers when things get confrontational. A valuable team girl!
    @MissLunasilga Azura!
She originally belonged to @kiras_haven !
A former merc-for-hire now gone policewoman, she's quite a wily, bold and fun-loving girl that ain't afraid to be brutal. She likes forming crystalline ki weapons and barriers when things get confrontational. A valuable team girl!

    "... you've left me no other choice, hellion..." --- ???

    "... you've left me no other choice, hellion..."
    "... you've left me no other choice, hellion..."
    "... you've left me no other choice, hellion..."
    "... you've left me no other choice, hellion..."

    "... farewell." --- Whew, well this was a fun little personal project! I'll defs be using Ozul more later down the line, and maaaybe Charlotte too. Now that it's wrapped up, thank you all that tuned in for this brief fight series. ^^)/

    "... farewell."
Whew, well this was a fun little personal project! I'll defs be using Ozul more later down the line, and maaaybe Charlotte too. Now that it's wrapped up, thank you all that tuned in for this brief fight series.  ^^)/
    "... farewell."
Whew, well this was a fun little personal project! I'll defs be using Ozul more later down the line, and maaaybe Charlotte too. Now that it's wrapped up, thank you all that tuned in for this brief fight series.  ^^)/
    "... farewell."
Whew, well this was a fun little personal project! I'll defs be using Ozul more later down the line, and maaaybe Charlotte too. Now that it's wrapped up, thank you all that tuned in for this brief fight series.  ^^)/
    "... farewell."
Whew, well this was a fun little personal project! I'll defs be using Ozul more later down the line, and maaaybe Charlotte too. Now that it's wrapped up, thank you all that tuned in for this brief fight series.  ^^)/

