
    Sorry I haven't been posting much, been goofin' off elsewhere with some older friends, haha. BUT! I may as well share these pages where these gals are prepping to go to a summer event, mainly 'cause I get to introduce Levi and show what each gal is like. Y so r00d Lichi?

    Sorry I haven't been posting much, been goofin' off elsewhere with some older friends, haha.
BUT! I may as well share these pages where these gals are prepping to go to a summer event, mainly 'cause I get to introduce Levi and show what each gal is like. Y so r00d Lichi?
    Sorry I haven't been posting much, been goofin' off elsewhere with some older friends, haha.
BUT! I may as well share these pages where these gals are prepping to go to a summer event, mainly 'cause I get to introduce Levi and show what each gal is like. Y so r00d Lichi?
    Sorry I haven't been posting much, been goofin' off elsewhere with some older friends, haha.
BUT! I may as well share these pages where these gals are prepping to go to a summer event, mainly 'cause I get to introduce Levi and show what each gal is like. Y so r00d Lichi?
    Sorry I haven't been posting much, been goofin' off elsewhere with some older friends, haha.
BUT! I may as well share these pages where these gals are prepping to go to a summer event, mainly 'cause I get to introduce Levi and show what each gal is like. Y so r00d Lichi?

    So I was rewatching @KwingsLetsPlays 's LP of the Ace Attorney Trilogy and that one bit of adlib in Farewell My turnabout freakin' killed me ? You and Amber are awesome, don't stop with the amusing content. Have some fanart, with both Nick and yourself!

    So I was rewatching @KwingsLetsPlays 's LP of the Ace Attorney Trilogy and that one bit of adlib in Farewell My turnabout freakin' killed me ?
You and Amber are awesome, don't stop with the amusing content. Have some fanart, with both Nick and yourself!
    So I was rewatching @KwingsLetsPlays 's LP of the Ace Attorney Trilogy and that one bit of adlib in Farewell My turnabout freakin' killed me ?
You and Amber are awesome, don't stop with the amusing content. Have some fanart, with both Nick and yourself!

    I couldn't resist doing my own take on this comic ?Damn Lichi why ya gotta be so r00d

    I couldn't resist doing my own take on this comic ?Damn Lichi why ya gotta be so r00d

    Just felt like whipping up a few nothing-special doodles of my electric rodents Levi, Zii and Lulu for the fun of it, been really adorin' them lately. ? Now to play some games before I draw a few other simpler things

    Just felt like whipping up a few nothing-special doodles of my electric rodents Levi, Zii and Lulu for the fun of it, been really adorin' them lately. ?
Now to play some games before I draw a few other simpler things
    Just felt like whipping up a few nothing-special doodles of my electric rodents Levi, Zii and Lulu for the fun of it, been really adorin' them lately. ?
Now to play some games before I draw a few other simpler things
    Just felt like whipping up a few nothing-special doodles of my electric rodents Levi, Zii and Lulu for the fun of it, been really adorin' them lately. ?
Now to play some games before I draw a few other simpler things
    Just felt like whipping up a few nothing-special doodles of my electric rodents Levi, Zii and Lulu for the fun of it, been really adorin' them lately. ?
Now to play some games before I draw a few other simpler things

    Have some headshots of my Final Fantasy dweeeebs ... well, their FF14 selves anywho :'D

    Have some headshots of my Final Fantasy dweeeebs
... well, their FF14 selves anywho :'D

