bri 🍉@JPGBRl

    i'm Crying. they're so cute <333 aiji and arisaka…my heart. whenever aiji thinks of arisaka it just makes me ❤️‍🩹 and honestly same bc arisaka is SO pretty?? would not get over her if she was my first love. i hope we get a happy misono with andou and aiji with arisaka so i can rip

    i'm Crying. they're so cute <333 aiji and arisaka…my heart. whenever aiji thinks of arisaka it just makes me ❤️‍🩹 and honestly same bc arisaka is SO pretty?? would not get over her if she was my first love. i hope we get a happy misono with andou and aiji with arisaka so i can rip
    i'm Crying. they're so cute <333 aiji and arisaka…my heart. whenever aiji thinks of arisaka it just makes me ❤️‍🩹 and honestly same bc arisaka is SO pretty?? would not get over her if she was my first love. i hope we get a happy misono with andou and aiji with arisaka so i can rip
    bri 🍉@JPGBRl

    hehehe pride bratz ┏ (^ω^)= #wip

    hehehe pride bratz ┏ (^ω^)= #wip
    bri 🍉@JPGBRl

    i just read until i meet my husband and absolutely bawled my eyes out

    i just read until i meet my husband and absolutely bawled my eyes out
    i just read until i meet my husband and absolutely bawled my eyes out
    i just read until i meet my husband and absolutely bawled my eyes out
    i just read until i meet my husband and absolutely bawled my eyes out
    bri 🍉@JPGBRl

    i want

    i want
    i want
    i want
    i want
    bri 🍉@JPGBRl

    i want (2)

    i want (2)
    i want (2)
    i want (2)
    i want (2)