✷ lynchian meat ✷@tapiocaterror

    quick leyendecker study

    quick leyendecker study
    ✷ lynchian meat ✷@tapiocaterror

    2 more leyendecker studies

    2 more leyendecker studies
    2 more leyendecker studies
    ✷ lynchian meat ✷@tapiocaterror

    goiter pag babae goitress

    goiter pag babae goitress
    ✷ lynchian meat ✷@tapiocaterror

    doddles from my skeetchbok

    doddles from my skeetchbok
    doddles from my skeetchbok
    doddles from my skeetchbok
    doddles from my skeetchbok
    ✷ lynchian meat ✷@tapiocaterror

    A comic strip i don't see being talked about here is Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson. Just amazing cartooning where all the characters are charming and funny and precious, all depicted in a very energetic sketchy artstyle. Even Calvin & Hobbes' Bill Watterson was a fan of his work

    A comic strip i don't see being talked about here is Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson. Just amazing cartooning where all the characters are charming and funny and precious, all depicted in a very energetic sketchy artstyle. Even Calvin & Hobbes' Bill Watterson was a fan of his work