
    I've been hesitating about jumping on this bandwagon for some reason-- but I'd like to see who I get...... No OCs or FCs at this time--just established characters please!

    I've been hesitating about jumping on this bandwagon for some reason-- but I'd like to see who I get......

No OCs or FCs at this time--just established characters please!

    In honor of Quilson moving out of my ACNH island today, here are a bunch of scribbles of my Gijinka of him because...I don't know why. Why did I draw this frikkin duck so much.

    In honor of Quilson moving out of my ACNH island today, here are a bunch of scribbles of my Gijinka of him because...I don't know why. Why did I draw this frikkin duck so much.
    In honor of Quilson moving out of my ACNH island today, here are a bunch of scribbles of my Gijinka of him because...I don't know why. Why did I draw this frikkin duck so much.
    In honor of Quilson moving out of my ACNH island today, here are a bunch of scribbles of my Gijinka of him because...I don't know why. Why did I draw this frikkin duck so much.

    With reckless and wild impulse I have filled out this hairstyle meme with my son, Miki. Do not let his wardrobe fool you, he exists as a young adult in 2020--he's just extra.

    With reckless and wild impulse I have filled out this hairstyle meme with my son, Miki. Do not let his wardrobe fool you, he exists as a young adult in 2020--he's just extra.

    My comic....Updated again...☀️ These next few pages are some of my favs in the whole bunch because the best character comes back in. Read it here on mobile!

    My comic....Updated again...☀️
These next few pages are some of my favs in the whole bunch because the best character comes back in.

Read it here on mobile!

    Now that the "pilot" of sorts is done, I feel I can post these doodles I did. 1/2

    Now that the "pilot" of sorts is done, I feel I can post these doodles I did.

    Now that the "pilot" of sorts is done, I feel I can post these doodles I did.

    Now that the "pilot" of sorts is done, I feel I can post these doodles I did.

    Now that the "pilot" of sorts is done, I feel I can post these doodles I did.


