
    Now that the "pilot" of sorts is done, I feel I can post these doodles I did. 1/2

    Now that the "pilot" of sorts is done, I feel I can post these doodles I did.

    Now that the "pilot" of sorts is done, I feel I can post these doodles I did.

    Now that the "pilot" of sorts is done, I feel I can post these doodles I did.

    Now that the "pilot" of sorts is done, I feel I can post these doodles I did.


    2/2 Connor is part of the main cast, but he had to be cut for pacing purposes... If I get to continue the story I'll introduce him properly.......


Connor is part of the main cast, but he had to be cut for pacing purposes...

If I get to continue the story I'll introduce him properly.......

Connor is part of the main cast, but he had to be cut for pacing purposes...

If I get to continue the story I'll introduce him properly.......

    Some ACNH gijinka doodles I did a bit back... The first one is based on a convo I saw Marina and Flurry having about what to get Sprocket as a present~

    Some ACNH gijinka doodles I did a bit back...
The first one is based on a convo I saw Marina and Flurry having about what to get Sprocket as a present~
    Some ACNH gijinka doodles I did a bit back...
The first one is based on a convo I saw Marina and Flurry having about what to get Sprocket as a present~
    Some ACNH gijinka doodles I did a bit back...
The first one is based on a convo I saw Marina and Flurry having about what to get Sprocket as a present~

    Made this new kid. His name is Desmond. He likes cats, long walks on the beach, and ripping off vampire jaws......

    Made this new kid. His name is Desmond. He likes cats, long walks on the beach, and ripping off vampire jaws......
    Made this new kid. His name is Desmond. He likes cats, long walks on the beach, and ripping off vampire jaws......
    Made this new kid. His name is Desmond. He likes cats, long walks on the beach, and ripping off vampire jaws......
    Made this new kid. His name is Desmond. He likes cats, long walks on the beach, and ripping off vampire jaws......

    The real reason I introduce Desmond is so I can talk about his cats. Cthulu (black) and Yogi (brown, short for Yog-Sothoth) He has cats (found them himself.)

    The real reason I introduce Desmond is so I can talk about his cats. Cthulu (black) and Yogi (brown, short for Yog-Sothoth) 

He has cats (found them himself.)
    The real reason I introduce Desmond is so I can talk about his cats. Cthulu (black) and Yogi (brown, short for Yog-Sothoth) 

He has cats (found them himself.)
    The real reason I introduce Desmond is so I can talk about his cats. Cthulu (black) and Yogi (brown, short for Yog-Sothoth) 

He has cats (found them himself.)
    The real reason I introduce Desmond is so I can talk about his cats. Cthulu (black) and Yogi (brown, short for Yog-Sothoth) 

He has cats (found them himself.)

