
    I have so many random, rough doobles of the potato boys" I'll just post some of em in the wee hours of the mornin so they ain't a bother~

    I have so many random, rough doobles of the potato boys"
I'll just post some of em in the wee hours of the mornin so they ain't a bother~
    I have so many random, rough doobles of the potato boys"
I'll just post some of em in the wee hours of the mornin so they ain't a bother~
    I have so many random, rough doobles of the potato boys"
I'll just post some of em in the wee hours of the mornin so they ain't a bother~

    Would you ever guess these two are my physical tanks? ((I mean, you probably could if you know these pokemon...Pardon the skin))

    Would you ever guess these two are my physical tanks? ((I mean, you probably could if you know these pokemon...Pardon the skin))

    While I'm art dumping, have some old Skate-matsu scribs (I'm so late) I really love choros outfit in this set, even if he can't skate....

    While I'm art dumping, have some old Skate-matsu scribs (I'm so late)
I really love choros outfit in this set, even if he can't skate....
    While I'm art dumping, have some old Skate-matsu scribs (I'm so late)
I really love choros outfit in this set, even if he can't skate....
    While I'm art dumping, have some old Skate-matsu scribs (I'm so late)
I really love choros outfit in this set, even if he can't skate....

    @loxafiller I'm not even (that) sorry. ((Neither of them knew))

    @loxafiller I'm not even (that) sorry.
((Neither of them knew))

    I never mention it here, but I'm in a DnD group! and--We're at a banquet this session--it's really showing off the two sides of our party...

    I never mention it here, but I'm in a DnD group!
and--We're at a banquet this session--it's really showing off the two sides of our party...
    I never mention it here, but I'm in a DnD group!
and--We're at a banquet this session--it's really showing off the two sides of our party...

