
    I remembered I never posted the rest of these comics online so here they are! This one is featuring my other roommate @wendigoparty This one is relate-able -- whether it be with her or with me, lol.

    I remembered I never posted the rest of these comics online so here they are!
This one is featuring my other roommate @wendigoparty 
This one is relate-able -- whether it be with her or with me, lol.
    I remembered I never posted the rest of these comics online so here they are!
This one is featuring my other roommate @wendigoparty 
This one is relate-able -- whether it be with her or with me, lol.

    @wendigoparty Aaaand finally this one. It's a little more personal, but still meant to be funny.

    @wendigoparty Aaaand finally this one. It's a little more personal, but still meant to be funny.
    @wendigoparty Aaaand finally this one. It's a little more personal, but still meant to be funny.
    @wendigoparty Aaaand finally this one. It's a little more personal, but still meant to be funny.

    AAAND FINALLY-- my favorite assignment from this quarter. We were to make a 3 page comic+cover, didn't necessarily have to tell a complete story, just had to look nice. So here they are, my robot sons doing their thing. I'm quite proud of it ?

    AAAND FINALLY-- my favorite assignment from this quarter.
We were to make a 3 page comic+cover, didn't necessarily have to tell a complete story, just had to look nice.

So here they are, my robot sons doing their thing. 
I'm quite proud of it ?
    AAAND FINALLY-- my favorite assignment from this quarter.
We were to make a 3 page comic+cover, didn't necessarily have to tell a complete story, just had to look nice.

So here they are, my robot sons doing their thing. 
I'm quite proud of it ?
    AAAND FINALLY-- my favorite assignment from this quarter.
We were to make a 3 page comic+cover, didn't necessarily have to tell a complete story, just had to look nice.

So here they are, my robot sons doing their thing. 
I'm quite proud of it ?
    AAAND FINALLY-- my favorite assignment from this quarter.
We were to make a 3 page comic+cover, didn't necessarily have to tell a complete story, just had to look nice.

So here they are, my robot sons doing their thing. 
I'm quite proud of it ?

    Look. Look. I know this is an easy joke everyone has already made. But I had such a clear image and I had to draw it out. I need answers. #AnimalCrossingPocketCamp

    Look. Look.
I know this is an easy joke everyone has already made. But I had such a clear image and I had to draw it out.

I need answers.
    Look. Look.
I know this is an easy joke everyone has already made. But I had such a clear image and I had to draw it out.

I need answers.

    I recently looked back through my folders and realized I had started drawing Overwatch Cheebs and I actually got pretty far with a lot of them? I ought to finish them up--I already finished the D.Va one.

    I recently looked back through my folders and realized I had started drawing Overwatch Cheebs and I actually got pretty far with a lot of them? I ought to finish them up--I already finished the D.Va one.

