Areg S.@TheRegyman

    I have a kind-of Mohawk now!

    I have a kind-of Mohawk now!
    Areg S.@TheRegyman

    No Sonic allowed

    No Sonic allowed
    Areg S.@TheRegyman

    I know Ep 1 isn't out yet, but I can't keep the big reveal of Helluva's season finale secret anymore. DON'T TELL VIV!!!!

    I know Ep 1 isn't out yet, but I can't keep the big reveal of Helluva's season finale secret anymore. DON'T TELL VIV!!!!
    I know Ep 1 isn't out yet, but I can't keep the big reveal of Helluva's season finale secret anymore. DON'T TELL VIV!!!!
    Areg S.@TheRegyman

    Areg S.@TheRegyman

    Been looking through old Sonic X comics cause of LRT, and I can't stop laughing at this panel for some reason.

    Been looking through old Sonic X comics cause of LRT, and I can't stop laughing at this panel for some reason.