Areg S.@TheRegyman

    I promise to maybe actually draw it this time

    I promise to maybe actually draw it this time
    Areg S.@TheRegyman

    If I beat a Sonic game, I will beat it again & again & again.

    If I beat a Sonic game, I will beat it again & again & again.
    Areg S.@TheRegyman

    Please join my petition to stop showing Spider-man without the mask in everything. I already HAVE a weird ugly 'human' face, I don't need to see more of that in my superhero movies!!

    Please join my petition to stop showing Spider-man without the mask in everything. I already HAVE a weird ugly 'human' face, I don't need to see more of that in my superhero movies!!
    Please join my petition to stop showing Spider-man without the mask in everything. I already HAVE a weird ugly 'human' face, I don't need to see more of that in my superhero movies!!
    Please join my petition to stop showing Spider-man without the mask in everything. I already HAVE a weird ugly 'human' face, I don't need to see more of that in my superhero movies!!
    Please join my petition to stop showing Spider-man without the mask in everything. I already HAVE a weird ugly 'human' face, I don't need to see more of that in my superhero movies!!
    Areg S.@TheRegyman

    Warmup doodle of the gang #DELTARUNE

    Warmup doodle of the gang #DELTARUNE
    Areg S.@TheRegyman

    I saw Dune

    I saw Dune