Asher Caswell@Asher_Caswell

    The trash continues

    The trash continues
    Asher Caswell@Asher_Caswell

    finally getting all my inktober drawings together into a book!

    finally getting all my inktober drawings together into a book!
    Asher Caswell@Asher_Caswell

    the alignment of this costco is definitely chaotic

    the alignment of this costco is definitely chaotic
    Asher Caswell@Asher_Caswell

    was doing sketches for my next comic and accidentally created my favorite background character ever

    was doing sketches for my next comic and accidentally created my favorite background character ever
    was doing sketches for my next comic and accidentally created my favorite background character ever
    Asher Caswell@Asher_Caswell

    Tribute to the struggling plant my roommates and I inherited

    Tribute to the struggling plant my roommates and I inherited