Rouse ✨@rooususu

    Open CSP store to search for something specific. I proceed to view and download whatever I see. Close the store, I didn't download what I went looking for.

    Open CSP store to search for something specific. I proceed to view and download whatever I see.

Close the store, I didn't download what I went looking for.
    Rouse ✨@rooususu

    Confidence growth while making comics EP 7 VS EP 38 2 to 3 sketches 1 sketch and however for this result come out

    Confidence growth while making comics
EP 7                  VS         EP 38
2 to 3 sketches       1 sketch and however
for this result            come out
    Rouse ✨@rooususu

    This one! actually that whole episode, i didn't want to eat any more candy/sweets after that. At the same time it's one of my fav ep though ; v;

    This one! actually that whole episode, i didn't want to eat any more candy/sweets after that. At the same time it's one of my fav ep though ; v;
    Rouse ✨@rooususu

    This mood for this year please 🙏

    This mood for this year please 🙏
    Rouse ✨@rooususu

    A day late but... #HourlyComicDay2023

    A day late but... #HourlyComicDay2023