Fake Corki Visual Update I made because I want the little guy to be a yordle and not a weird small human #MakeCorkiaYordle2018
Finally I found a relatable character in Boku No Hero Academia
#SixFanarts but only other people's OC @akkacrow69 @astrodid @DE4THPUNCH @Flipfloppery @TarikDiaz @Bismon_Galenina ✌️
lmao my league of legends experience
Give me your OC's to draw them, will choose 6 #6fanarts ?
@Spideraxe30 oh noes Nina Tucker mundo
time to learn how to use this clip studio stuff
no wayyy 💀
Fake Corki Visual Update I made because I want the little guy to be a yordle and not a weird small human #MakeCorkiaYordle2018