trace ⚰️@phantomorrow

    delete later / sorry if i'm a little tired after coming home from work but i still want to draw even if only for a short while dhsjkdhsds working on an aesv1c print this time around! feel free to stop by if you like<3

    delete later / sorry if i'm a little tired after coming home from work but i still want to draw even if only for a short while dhsjkdhsds working on an aesv1c print this time around! feel free to stop by if you like<3
    trace ⚰️@phantomorrow

    updated brush settings for cc anon and anyone else who may be wondering/interested too🐱💕

    updated brush settings for cc anon and anyone else who may be wondering/interested too🐱💕
    updated brush settings for cc anon and anyone else who may be wondering/interested too🐱💕
    updated brush settings for cc anon and anyone else who may be wondering/interested too🐱💕
    updated brush settings for cc anon and anyone else who may be wondering/interested too🐱💕
    trace ⚰️@phantomorrow

    delete later / short stream, drawing some more group 3 for a little bit before going a mimir

    delete later / short stream, drawing some more group 3 for a little bit before going a mimir
    trace ⚰️@phantomorrow

    trace ⚰️@phantomorrow

    delete later / sorry in advance for any interruptions i feel like i have the worst luck whenever i feel like streaming shjdhskdhs but just cleaning up some infinity train aesvic roughs for a bit. feel free to stop by and chill if u like yeeee

    delete later / sorry in advance for any interruptions i feel like i have the worst luck whenever i feel like streaming shjdhskdhs but just cleaning up some infinity train aesvic roughs for a bit. feel free to stop by and chill if u like yeeee