orieri オラエリ/ undercover (1/2)

    orieri オラエリ/ undercover (1/2)



    all I've done is laugh at these yuumori memes for the past half hour wine aunt albert one is gold and should be framed. arguably sherlock could also be in the child tier.

    all I've done is laugh at these yuumori memes for the past half hour 

wine aunt albert one is gold and should be framed. arguably sherlock could also be in the child tier.
    all I've done is laugh at these yuumori memes for the past half hour 

wine aunt albert one is gold and should be framed. arguably sherlock could also be in the child tier.

    my excitement to cos w friends means I'm already doing more than 1/day haha what happened to my new rule gdi

    my excitement to cos w friends means I'm already doing more than 1/day haha what happened to my new rule gdi

    you know it was bound to happen that I would draw the crossover bc seiyuu reasons

    you know it was bound to happen that I would draw the  crossover bc seiyuu reasons
    you know it was bound to happen that I would draw the  crossover bc seiyuu reasons