
    Hello, a small Red Riding Hood take for a storyboard assignment. Bad end. Seen here panels 28-40

    Hello, a small Red Riding Hood take for a storyboard assignment. Bad end. Seen here panels 28-40
    Hello, a small Red Riding Hood take for a storyboard assignment. Bad end. Seen here panels 28-40
    Hello, a small Red Riding Hood take for a storyboard assignment. Bad end. Seen here panels 28-40

    @PetrichorCrown ikr? Izuku's fuckin scary dude, he only looks soft half the time the rest he goes HARD AF

    @PetrichorCrown ikr? Izuku's fuckin scary dude, he only looks soft half the time the rest he goes HARD AF
    @PetrichorCrown ikr? Izuku's fuckin scary dude, he only looks soft half the time the rest he goes HARD AF
    @PetrichorCrown ikr? Izuku's fuckin scary dude, he only looks soft half the time the rest he goes HARD AF
    @PetrichorCrown ikr? Izuku's fuckin scary dude, he only looks soft half the time the rest he goes HARD AF

    Old men? no problem. Dragons? piece of cake. Historical armour? i got it. BUT A CHILD????? no.

    Old men? no problem.
Dragons? piece of cake.
Historical armour? i got it.
BUT A CHILD????? no.

    This comic has pages oh boy does it ever

    This comic has pages oh boy does it ever

    HP comic pages are progressing nicely, but I hate backgrounds with a burning passion

    HP comic pages are progressing nicely, but I hate backgrounds with a burning passion
    HP comic pages are progressing nicely, but I hate backgrounds with a burning passion
    HP comic pages are progressing nicely, but I hate backgrounds with a burning passion

