GET READY TO BE RAMMED BY THESE BADASS LADIES! I mentioned before that I was interested making the whole gang go roller derby with Harley right? Well I wasn't kidding fufufu


I mentioned before that I was interested making the whole gang go roller derby with Harley right? Well I wasn't kidding fufufu

    Sketching this is taking longer than I liked it to be. But I will make this happen! I'm also gonna try to implement the costume designs from the comics, hence Dinah's signature leather jacket and fishnet stockings~?

    Sketching this is taking longer than I liked it to be. But I will make this happen!

I'm also gonna try to implement the costume designs from the comics, hence Dinah's signature leather jacket and fishnet stockings~?

    Sketch is done! Composition-wise I was inspired by their poster. I just realized something... should I add Bruce into this? Lol And on to the 2nd problem... what to do with the background ㅠㅠ i'm open for suggestions ?

    Sketch is done! Composition-wise I was inspired by their poster.

I just realized something... should I add Bruce into this? Lol

And on to the 2nd problem... what to do with the background ㅠㅠ i'm open for suggestions ?
    Sketch is done! Composition-wise I was inspired by their poster.

I just realized something... should I add Bruce into this? Lol

And on to the 2nd problem... what to do with the background ㅠㅠ i'm open for suggestions ?

    Tracing done! And I did end up doing a kind of explosion for the background, though not to visible here since I used a blue pencil to draw them. Apparently explosions solve everything ?

    Tracing done! And I did end up doing a kind of explosion for the background, though not to visible here since I used a blue pencil to draw them. Apparently explosions solve everything ?
    Tracing done! And I did end up doing a kind of explosion for the background, though not to visible here since I used a blue pencil to draw them. Apparently explosions solve everything ?

    I wanna plaaaay! Please do suggest any fandom~ ?

    I wanna plaaaay! Please do suggest any fandom~ ?

