congratulations dark souls 🥳 ultimate game of all time ✨🔥

    congratulations dark souls 🥳
ultimate game of all time ✨🔥
    congratulations dark souls 🥳
ultimate game of all time ✨🔥
    congratulations dark souls 🥳
ultimate game of all time ✨🔥
    congratulations dark souls 🥳
ultimate game of all time ✨🔥

    "sweet mother, I cannot weave – slender Aphrodite has overcome me with longing for a girl." (🌿 Ranni/Doll)

    "sweet mother, I cannot weave – slender Aphrodite has overcome me with longing for a girl."
(🌿 Ranni/Doll)

    (malenivere) arranged marriage AU. from when they were still getting to know each other and Gwynevere traveled to the Lands Between often. Malenia just really really likes her fiancée 😳

arranged marriage AU. from when they were still getting to know each other and Gwynevere traveled to the Lands Between often.
Malenia just really really likes her fiancée 😳

    malenevere 🌺🌻 Malenia is doing her best👩‍🍳 (they're married)

    malenevere 🌺🌻
Malenia is doing her best👩‍🍳 (they're married)

    malenevere 🌺🌻 i was asked about Gwynevere's thought when she saw Malenia for the first time. I like to think there was nothing, just a sweet scent lingers, and clouds, and burns with love… A princess who was deeply deeply astray.

    malenevere 🌺🌻
i was asked about Gwynevere's thought when she saw Malenia for the first time. I like to think there was nothing, just a sweet scent lingers, and clouds, and burns with love…
A princess who was deeply deeply astray.